October 24, 2013

It's Not Only a Preschool


It's not only a preschool; it's a place for me to grow as a father.

My daughter should explain how she enjoyed life at New Hope Preschool. Here I explain how I have grown as a father through New Hope. I really did not expect this result! This place inspires me!
I am not sure what you are looking for for your child. Maybe you are a looking for a preschool that focuses on fun with high energy teachers, or a preschool that will discipline your child strictly. If so, maybe New Hope Preschool is not the best choice. But if you want your child to be brought up by teachers who care for and love your kids, and if you want your child to brought up in a loving and encouraging environment, a place to learn how to get along and with kids of different ages and learn how to care about others, a place to develop a good sense of responsibility and the right value set, New Hope Preschool is the right place.

The teacher held a weekly mother's English class. From the name of it, you might think that this is a class for the moms to learn English. But this is not the only purpose. In the class, we understand what our children are learning at school. We also learn the Bible message through the theme of the week. Also, teachers share their views of how our kids are growing, we learn about parenting, we exchange ideas on issues and they really take our opinion into their hearts. Teachers really get to know our kids very well, but they do not only know our kids well but also love them, like their close relatives. In addition, New Hope also held a few parenting seminars. Through these experiences, I really grew with my kid through the school. The teachers are like our partners to develop our children together!

 I truly think it is a blessing to send our kid to New Hope. It is a place full of love. It is truly intellectual and inspiring!


私の娘がどんなにニューホーププリスクールでの毎日を楽しんでいたか、書いています。皆さんがそれぞれお子様のためにどのような幼稚園を求めてい らっしゃるのかわかりません。活発な先生方が思い切り楽しませてくれる幼稚園でしょうか?それとも、きちんとしつけをしてくれる幼稚園でしょうか。もし皆 さんが一人一人の子供たちを心から大切に思い、愛情を注いで接してくれる先生方にご自分のお子様を預けたいのでしたら、またお子様に愛情と励ましの中で育 ち、異なる年齢の子供たちとも仲良くやって行くことを習い、友達や周りの人々を気遣う心、責任という事、正しい価値観を持つ事、を学んで欲しいと思うので したら、ニューホープを是非おすすめします。

園では、お母様方向けの英語クラスをやってくれていました。それはただ保護者を対象に英語を教えてくれるクラスではなく、子供たちが今園で何を学ん でいるかを伝えてくれるものでした。聖書のメッセージを通してその週に子供たちに伝えたいことは何か、また先生が一人一人の子供達の様子を細かく見てく れ、気がついた事を話し合う事ができました。私たちは先生方と密に意見を交換し、先生方は私たちの意見を心から受け止め、聞いて下さいました。先生方は私 たちの子供の事をよく知っていて下さるだけでなく、まるで近しい親戚の子供ででもある様に愛情を注いで下さいました。また、子育てセミナーも開いてくれま した。


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